
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Getting it Done.. on a Saturday Morning

Total Distance: 7.38 mi
Total Time: 01:01:39/8:20 ppm

Warmup: 1.99 mi in 16:15
Workout: 20x0.13 mi (basically 200 meters, just slightly longer) with 45-second rest in between sets.
Cooldown: 1.89 mi in 16:34
Goal: Basically just continue building up speed endurance. Run them slightly faster than I did for the 12 quarters the other day as this is half the distance. Very short rest in between.

I entertained thoughts of going out late Friday night and skipping this thing, with the justification being that I had already done a workout this week. But no... I got out there today because I want to be faster. I made it to the Sardis lot before 6:30 a.m., did my warmup, and then headed over to the track at Charlotte Christian. See there, I've hit my high school and college alma maters in one week.

To whom it may concern, the track at CCS is in dire need of resurfacing. My legs took a beating. So did my confidence. I was struggling early, and any ideas of running these fast went out the window. I decided to hold back a bit and just maintain, making sure these stayed around 5:30 pace per mile and a little faster than the quarters. I managed to achieve that goal. The short rest (45 seconds, and you can imagine how fast that goes by when you're exhausted) really made this a tough workout, but I got it done!


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