
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Speed Endurance

Distance: 9.7 mi.
Time: 1:12:08

Warmup: 2 mi.
Workout: 4*1/2-mi. @ 5k pace w/ 1/4-mi. jog rest + 5-km @ half marathon pace.
Cooldown: 1.6 mi.

This morning, just before lunch, I hit the Speed Loop with the Lunar Racers in my hands and some faster miles on my mind. My goal for today was twofold: I wanted to work on some speed, get the heart rate up high, and then try to run 3-4 miles at half marathon pace after I was already tired. Logistically speaking, this didn't quite go as planned, but I'm pleased with the effort.

2:55.5 (2:17 for 1/4-mi. rest); 2:50.8 (2:07); 2:51.8 (2:06); 2:53.8 (2:19).

I got the legs and arms pumping and was able to maintain focus on each repetition. After some water from Rebecca's porch and a brief rest, I set off down East Boulevard for the last part of the workout.

19:31.52 for 5k. 6:06.25, 6:09.25, 6:34.88, 0:41:14.

I am not using East Blvd. for speed work ever again; I shall find anoter route to the greenway. It took all I had to keep the downhill first mile from getting out of control. It took all I had to keep the uphill third mile from getting away. This was also a good bit harder than I wanted; while I'm still trying to find my half-marathon pace, I can assure you it isn't sub-6:10. I also did a good bit of car-dodging, narrowly avoiding an incident at East and Scott Avenue.

I certainly accomplished my goal of running hard when tired, but my body is clearly aching for some shorter races right now.

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