
Monday, February 13, 2012

Change of Plans

I announced in my previous post that I have decided to scrap a full marathon in favor of a half. That decision warrants an explanation, and I will attempt to do give you one here. The following is my reasoning, in order of importance:

Training.  Marathon training, albeit not where it needed to be, did wonders for my fitness level last fall. Based on my recent 8k I would guess that I'm in about 17:40-ish shape for a 5k right now. I was struggling to break 19 as recently as five months ago, so that's a significant boost. I believe it to be a case of endurance meeting speed, which has always been my strength. However, my mileage is still not very impressive. I am struggling to get to 50 per week right now, and that's not high enough to get me where I want to be for the 26.2. By running a half, I hope to gain an idea of where I really am for longer races while also capitalizing on the work I've put in. The fact that Mitchell and Eggers each co-signed this plan further validates my decision.

Finance.  Wrightsville went out the window when I realized my friends were headed to Tobacco Road instead (something about fast women and sponsored entries...), which would have put me on my own for lodging costs and gas. The entry fee was also over $100 last I looked. As for Tobacco Road, there was, I believe, an $80 entry fee and I would have had a free place to stay. I still would have spent about $100 on gas, however, and stayed longer, thereby increasing my dining expenses. I estimated the total cost of this marathon to be around $260, which really isn't bad for a good event. However...the Corporate Cup half is local, so there are no travel or lodging fees. With an assist from my buddy Jeremy, I received a free entry through a coupon code. I will obviously drive to the race site, and I will probably go out for a breakfast afterward, but the definitive cost of me running this race is exactly $0.00.

Logistics.  My sister's family is in the process of an Army move throughout March, and will need my help. I myself will be vacating my apartment at the end of March. Adding a full marathon 150 miles away on top of all that - plus the usual social and professional responsibilities - is a bit much. Even for me.

So, there it is. I have made my decision, and I feel good about it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to make some tweaks to my training plan.

1 comment:

  1. Wise decision. The number one reason you give is the best reason,your training (mileage)is not where it should be.
