
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Eggers Burns

Distance: 8.9 mi.
Time: 1:08:40.

Warmup: 2.2 mi.
Workout: 5*600 meters w 2-min rest + 2*1600 meters w 400-m jog rest.
Cooldown: 1.7 mi.

I had hoped to join the Charlotte Runners at the Philosopher's Stone run tonight, for a tempo, but of course they were doing some sort of themed run for Valentine's Day. Avoid. Eggers came to my rescue with a call for 600-meter repeats at the Marion Diehl track. Eureka!

I was feeling a good bit under the weather and would be working with depleted glycogen stores on this one. Dreaming of doughnuts, I chased Eggers around the asphalt oval, 600 meters at a time. He was really burning and I was content to sit back a bit. He encouraged me to fight through breathing and energy woes, but I bolted for a water fountain as soon as I had finished my fifth.

Splits (rest): 2:06 (.11 mi. in 0:57.4); 2:05.7 (.21 in 2:00); 2:08.2 (.15 in 2:00); 2:03.4 (.14 in 2:00); 2:01.85 (.16 in 2:00).

That third one is worrisome as it represents an ongoing issue with me - losing focus in the middle of a race or workout. After some water for my parched lips, I went back to the line for two versions of the metric mile, 1600 meters.

5:44.1 (400m in 2:42); 5:35.2 (.11 mi. in 1:32).

Positive feelings abounded after a strong close. It was great to have Eggers out there for pacing and encouragement, even though we did different workouts. We cooled down back to his house and called it a day, with plans for more track work in the near future. It was nice to get the legs moving with something other than a tempo run.

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