
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Racing This Weekend

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have decided to toe the line this weekend. I managed to get in a good, 18-mile long run last weekend, and I want to see where I am physically. I feel like I am getting in increasingly better shape, and I want a chance to prove it on the road course. The Salisbury Winter Flight 8k stakes claim as the oldest race in the state. I don't know anything else about it, but I have a lot of friends in the community that have run it. By all accounts, it's not a fast course at all, featuring several steep and gradual climbs. It does finish around a track, which sounds pretty awesome, and if it's a big race there will be some competition to push me. So there's that. We also have a fun group headed up to compete: myself, Brian Baum, Eggers, and Mitchell - and I even convinced Adrienne to sign up, as well! Brinkley was game but had to back out due to a friend coming in town at the last minute. We're all looking forward to this one.

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