
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Calling an Audible

Distance: 5.61 mi
Time: 00:40:26/7:12 pace

I was supposed to wake up early this morning and do a workout, but I called an audible and decided to rest - sort of. Basically, I've been trying to make a point to listen to the body more this time and not do anything I don't really need to do. I want to avoid the mistakes of last fall. My ankles had been bothering a good bit last night, and were stiff when I awoke. I did my calf raises and everything felt fine after that, but I decided a hard workout could wait another week.

Two o'clock rolled around, I had finished all my work for the day, and it was beautiful outside, so I decided to head to Freedom Park. In lieu of a real workout I decided I'd just do my five-plus loop at a slightly faster pace than normal. Normal was about 7:30 or so, so I was hoping to average around 7 minutes per mile.

I set off around the lake and up one of the Queens roads and hit 7:21 for the first mile. Perfect, not too fast. On a slight incline, then a slight decline and another slight incline, I hit 7:16 for mile number two. After this, I opened it up a bit and started feeling pretty good. I would glance down at the "average current pace" displayed on the Garmin and I swear I kept seeing numbers like "6:42" and "6:38" so I tried to keep it there. I was a little disappointed when I pulled up the stats and saw 6:46 for the third mile and 6:58 for the fourth.

At this point I was on the greenway - and right out in the sun - and I slowed down a good bit for the last two miles. This run confirmed that I wasn't really ready for a workout, but all in all I did pretty well, considering how long it's been since I tried to do anything even remotely heroic.

Stats and Map

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