
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tempo Trouble

Distance: 8.00 mi.
Time: ????

Today, I set off for McAlpine in an attempt to do the second workout I had scheduled for this week: a tempo run. The plan called for 2 miles at marathon goal pace (7:10 or so), 3 miles at tempo pace (6:40-ish) and 2 miles at MGP again. I was unable to find a friend today so I'd be doing it solo.

I set off down the greenway, planning to run the first mile easy, when my Garmin started beeping to say the battery was dead. I know I had it hooked up to my computer and that it told me it was recharged, so I feared something may be wrong with it. Either that or I just needed to make sure I used outlet power from here on out? Either way, it wouldn't do me any good today. I don't need to know the distances at McAlpine, because they're marked (and at this point I just know where all the markers would be, anyway) but it would have helped to know my time.

As a result of the naked left wrist, I started off a bit too fast and it wasn't long before I faded. I can run 7:10 pace without too much effort, especially at the beginning of a run, and I failed to take this into consideration as I went sailing down the greenway. I got to the fast portion of my workout and picked up the pace some. I passed Mike Beigay, Megan Hovis, and Bill Shires at one point. I later passed Ben Hovis on his bike. By the time I got down with the fast portion of the tempo, I was finished. I just took a breather and slowly jogged back to my car.

It's time to figure out what, if anything, is wrong with Running Buddy. I have gotten to where I don't rely on it too much during the actual run, but I am a sucker for that data.

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