
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First Miners' Run

5.97 mi in 00:45:17 - 7:35 ppm

Well, I finally showed up for a "Miners' Run," named for the fact that everyone is supposed to wear a headlamp so they can see in the dark. I um..don't have a headlamp, but figured others would, and it usually gets light before 6 this time of year, anyway.

I was the first to arrive at Old Bell. I stood next to my car and watched curiously as a car sped past the turn on Sardis, hit the brakes, threw it in reverse, and barreled towards me backwards before stopping right in front of the gate...then pulling up and rapidly parallel-parking right behind me. Mike Kahn got out and exclaimed, "See man, I can do this valet stuff, too! Just hire me now!" We were shortly joined by Stan Austin, Alex, Megan Hovis (sans Ben), and a guy named Matt from Boston.

Between the early hours and some stomach issues (yes, again) I didn't feel all that great this morning. We met Jamaar at the park and I turned back, followed by Kahn, who was worried about being late for work. I truly felt all right but I ate a big July 4th dinner a little later than I normally would eat and that doesn't work when you have to run at 5:30 a.m. It was a fun group and I must say it's nice to have the run done with before 6:30 in the morning.

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