
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Extreme Rust-Buster

Distance: 7.7 mi.

Warmup: 2.3 mi.
Workout: 4*1/2-mi w/2-min rest + 2*1/4-mi w/1-min rest.
Cooldown: 2.3 mi.

I didn't really know what to expect today, so I can't be too disappointed, but I was a bit worried at one point during this one. I was able to rebound from a slow start but it's clear that I was a bit rusty. I don't feel I've lost any aerobic ability, but sore muscles and some down time have clearly thrown me off a bit. After a warmup down the McAlpine greenway I set out to do some half-mile repeats on a slightly rolling section of the trail.

3:01.59 (0.14 mi in 2:00), 2:59.77 (0.18), 3:06.84 (0.12), 2:53.18.

I was really doing some soul-searching on that third repeat; I couldn't figure out what my problem was. My foot felt fine, however, and so did the achy left leg, so I did what I so often do when things aren't going well: I fought through the doubts and pushed on. My fourth repetition wasn't phenomenal by my standards but the way I finished strong told me I didn't have much to worry about - that I was just doing some much needed dusting of the cobwebs. I took two minutes and then did a couple quarters.

1:22.81 (0.08 mi in 1:00), 1:22.1.

These weren't blazing fast, either, but after how awful I got started I was pleased with the effort. It won't be long before I will be doing mile repeats at this pace, but today's times will do just fine for where I am in the cycle. Where am I, you ask? I am coming off a hard-fought half marathon and ramping down to a season of shorter races. So, yeah...this is just fine. 

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