
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trials of Miles

Distance: 11.93 mi.
Time: 01:33:53 - 7:52 ppm.
Running Buddy

I met Brinkley and Brian Baum at McAlpine for this week's version of the long run. Perhaps I should start taking this stuff more seriously. I didn't get up when my alarm went off, and when I did get up I realized I was going to be late to meet them.

Brian ran at CCS but was two years behind me, in Eggers' class. We all ran into each other back at Great Harvest, where he won the baby jogger division. There were some exciting moments near the end as I came flying past him down the hill, only to see him put his stroller on two wheels and race back past me into the chute.

Our splits were all over the place for this one. We would keep a conversation going, then realize we were barely moving and pick up the pace. This continued for awhile and I began to realize I didn't have much energy once again. I don't like to make excuses, but my job really does make these morning runs difficult. If nothing else I usually have to rush dinner, or eat way earlier than normal when I work a Friday night. So, when Dave and Brian began pushing the pace through Lansdowne and back up Sardis, I got left behind. I did manage to speed up slightly at the end, and I did get the miles done, but it's frustrating to get dropped by the group.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta watch out for those crazy baby joggers. Good thing the stroller had a seat belt.
    -Brian Baum
