Distance: 18.35 mi.
Time: 2:21:59.76 - 7:45 ppm.
I debated the pros and cons of signing up for the Charlotte Running Club's first race, the Winter Classic 8k at McAlpine. I obviously love McAlpine and wanted to be part of something special here, but ultimately decided that a big long run needed to be my top priority. I have gotten behind schedule because of last week.
I showed up to the main entrance at 6:30am and, after helping Caitlin unload some water bottles, began to look for my buddy Megan Hovis. After a few solo miles I found her and Jason Martin on the course. We all
tried to avoid being asked to volunteer talked about how happy we were to be there for the club's inaugural race. We picked up JLG at the park and then Lamperski and Kent on the way back towards the course.
I was able to impart well wishes on several friends I knew to be racing: Brinkley, Brian Baum, Michael Greene, Lamperski, Michelle, Billy, Jamaar, Paul, Compton, Allen Strickland. I'm sure I'm leaving several people oht but that's who I remember seeing before the race.
I settled in a spot near the start and prepared to spectate. I had hoped to be further along on my miles for the day - I had done fewer than 9 at this point. It's Caitlin's fault. I decided I would run around the course until Brinkley came through and then disappear for some more miles. I spotted most of the familiar faces after mile one of the 5k course and the hill the first time. When they turned to repeat that section, I ran a lonely back mile and then just kind of jogged around once I spotted Compton racing through the woods. In addition to others mentioned, I also got to see Greg Isaacs, Mike Kahn, John Fillette, Stan Austin, Carolyn Maye, Eric Bilbrey, Caleb Boyd, and Dalena Custer. Once again, I apoogize if I am omitting any competitors I saw!
As promised, I watched the leaders through Dave come through the chute. He appeared to have run well. I saw some fast finishing kicks from Paul, Greg, and John, as well. Then I turned and disappeared, the lonely long distance runner left with several miles of trail yet to pass.
I started thinking about some advice Mitchell had imparted to me some months back, about mentally dividing the run into sections. I figured the cheery miles with Megan and the others would comprise the first quadrant. Number Two would be the few miles spent jogging around the course. Quadrant Three would be the toughest section, that part of the long where one first starts to feel the pounding yet simultaneously realizes there is still a lot of path left to conquer. And this is where the suddenly lonely runner currently found himself.
Enter the always jovial Allen Strickland. I was about 14 miles in when we crossed paths on the trail and jogged together, and I enjoyed hearing his take on the race. For the whole hilarious entry, go to
Allen's blog. By the time I entered the last quadrant, I actually felt stronger. I completed extra mileage with help from Eggers, Baum, Mitchell, and Megan again.
The CRC put on a great event, and I managed to catch up to my training plan a good bit with a big long run. Today was a good day, although Jess Bilbrey asked me if I was ok to drive home after breakfast at Toast, so I was clearly spent.