
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nostalgic Tour

Distance: 8.27 mi.
Time: 1:04:09.54 - 7:46 ppm.
Running Buddy

The Running Buddy link is included for this one because I said it would be for routes I deemed scenic, and I am a man of my word. This one is probably far more scenic for me than it is for you, however. I decided to run through my old neighborhood today. This isn't really a big deal since it isn't far from where I currently live, but it was still a new route. Even when driving, I never have an actual reason to venture over here, so when I do, it's only because I want to see what the street I grew up on now looks like. I would guess the last time I went up Carolyn Drive to be at least two years ago.

From my apartment I ran down Pecan towards Plaza Midwood and cut over on Commonwealth Avenue. I ran  through the part that is now considered trendy and approached the more dangerous section, near the Commonwealth/Briar Creek intersection where Resurrection Church is. Some of the houses looked rundown, and the unfriendly apartment complexes were still there, but the neighborhood definitely has a certain charm. It's also pretty hilly and I was still feeling pretty rundown. I ran down Briar Creek and turned right onto Carolyn Drive.

I passed Mrs. Laing's old house, where I used to do yard work for money as a young teenager. I'm pretty sure I saw her out in the yard working as I trotted by, but I wasn't sure, and I was also shirtless, so I neglected to stop. I passed the Martins' old house. Julianne, the oldest, was friends with my brother and Billy and Mary Ellen were closer to my sister's age, but I still felt close to them despite the gap. I recently hired someone on a recommendation from Billy, so we still stay in touch. They were a fun group. The house and yard looked well-kept (I later found out that Billy bought the house from his mother and now lives there with Bethany and their kids).

I ran past the Eicherts' and Stairs' old houses and later found out that they, too, still live there. I suppose this isn't a big deal but it pleased me greatly. The surrounding areas here rapidly went downhill beginning in the early  1990s, when the Wal-Mart was built behind it, but Carolyn Drive has always been beautiful. I ran up a hill and passed my old house. Looking at it now doesn't mean anything to me because the guys who bought it completely redid the entire house and yard. Other than being in the same spot, there is nothing familiar about it. What they did was simply amazing, though; they should be featured on a TV show if they haven't already. The neighbor across the street, Marilyn, a longtime friend of the entire family, gave me an extended tour the last time I ran through here. So it was as I passed that I was more interested in looking for her, but I didn't see her out in the yard. That woman meant a lot to me when I was younger, and still does, of course, and I need to pay her a visit sometime when I'm not sweaty and half-naked. She's getting older now. We can't let these opportunities pass us by.

I ran back down the street one more time and headed towards home, not feeling so hot. I ran down the area on Woodland where my mom once got in a bad wreck with me in the car and over the Independence Blvd. bridge, which was actually a bit unnerving. On the running side of things I still feel awful but I'm not too worried about it. 

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