
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Do It While You Can

Distance: 20.0 mi.
Time: 2:32:47.15 - 7:38 ppm.

I wasn't really sure what I would end up doing today, but I was determined to get in at least 15. It didn't happen this morning. After the race yesterday Adrienne and I each went straight to work. There was no run this morning because of church, after which I was still feeling exhausted. But David Brinkley wanted to meet, and I knew I would hate myself later if I didn't get in a good run. He wanted 15, and I told him I would meet at his house in Madison Park and do 15-20 myself, depending on how I felt.

We started off slowly enough running towards the Booty Loop. It was here that we encountered Compton, and I stopped him to ask what he had planned for the day. Like us, he had just started his long run and wanted to keep the pace easy, having raced the Winter Flight yesterday as well. As evidenced by the map, we end up basically running around in circles for most of this one. I actually thought that made it go by a lot faster. The three of us were together for 9 miles before Compton branched off to go home.

We headed back behind Montford and crossed Park Road right at the McAlister's, towards Dave's house. He was ready to be done and I was tightening up a good bit. When we got back to his place I spent a few extra minutes stretching and taking water. As before, I had been taking Gu chomps throughout this run, and I actually felt pretty well-fed - just very tight in the legs. I had still felt great a few miles earlier, however, and so I was determined to go the full 20. I told Dave I didn't want to be in this position again next week - desperately needing to amp up the distance and not knowing if I had it in me.

I didn't want to go too far from Dave's house, so I just ran back and forth on Seneca for the last five miles - towards South, then back the other way, then back towards South and back to Dave's. Seneca is a tough road to run on when you're tired; it's very hilly. We had kept the pace easy throughout but I was pleased to get the 20 done.

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