
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Long Run with Eggers

Distance: 10.00 mi
Time: 01:20:09/7:59 pace

I skipped the Saturday morning run because my sister's family is in town, so that meant I'd do it on Sunday. I sent Eggers a message asking if he could meet at 7am to do 10 miles at McAlpine, and he said he wouldn't have time. Later, he texted me to say he really needed to do 10 but would have to meet at 6, and implored me to join him. He said something about watching the sun rise on Easter Sunday. For some reason, the idea of watching the sun rise over the trees at McAlpine really appealed to me, and that sealed the deal.

I awoke excitedly at 5:20 a.m. and texted Eggers to tell him I was up and asked if he wanted to meet at the Sardis lot or at Providence Day. I still didn't have a response at ten til six, but left for the park anyway. I sat outside the Sardis entrance and listened to music while I waited for the leprechaun to come out of the woods and open the gate. Finally, I got a message from Eggers saying something like, "I guess I'll head over there since you're there." Huh? I could tell by the goofy messages he sent me that he, too, was excited about the run.

Someone drank a few too many beers last night, and it wasn't me this time, so the pace stayed relatively conversational. We ran to Harris Boulevard, came back and did part of the course, then stopped at the main parking lot to get some water. Then we meandered through the Boyce trails, actually kind of got lost once, and then back to the Sardis lot.

A good, solid, 10 mile run. I spent the rest of the day with my family.

Stats and Map - once again, "time" and "moving time" were a bit off, which I will now chalk up to a loss of the satellite signal. Given the slow splits listed I'm sure this occurred in the Boyce trails; I remember Brinkley's watch would always give off wacky splits back there, too.

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