
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Reunion Time

Well, it's hard to believe but it has been 10 years since I graduated from high school.  I attended Charlotte Christian in my younger days and was part of an 87-person graduating class - pretty big for our school but tiny by comparison to Charlotte's huge 4A public schools.  I enjoyed my time at Christian; for such a small school we were always very good at most sports, and I made some lasting friendships there.  I found out a few months ago that no one was planning our class reunion so naturally I just decided to do it myself.  I like challenges, especially ones that involve bringing people together, so this fit the bill.  Besides, I was Student Body Vice President (my late buddy Taylor was President) so I had a duty to fulfill!

The Class of 2000 has always been considered "close" in a sense that we could all get along and there weren't really any cliques, which was rare for any high school.  I had probably maintained contact with about five of my classmates but was looking forward to seeing who would show up and talking to everyone.

I picked Rooster's for our dinner destination and thanks to some help from my friend Dee, the GM, and my buddy Bo, the event planner, we had an awesome mix of barbecue, ribs, chicken, spinach, salad, and all sorts of other stuff.  They put together a buffet-style menu for us.  Josh Holland is my closest friend from the class so I sat next to him and his wife, who is also a runner.  Josh accidentally left without paying, which I found hilarious (he came back, of course).  I particularly enjoyed catching up with Mike Booe, who now lives in Hollywood and does set decoration for shows such as True Blood and No Ordinary Family.  The turnout wasn't as good as expected but nearly everyone who came had a spouse, so the count was doubled.

Not pictured:  Josh and Beth Holland, who were fleeing the scene in an attempt to avoid paying their bill.  Photo courtesy of Jon Grey (far right).
 This was the night of my 16-mile long run and I could barely stand up.  I also ate about ten plates of food.  Thanks to everyone who made it, and let's do it again in another ten years!

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