
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A failed effort

Hello, Charlotte. I'm "fall weather." Have we met? It was 85 and humid this afternoon as I set out to do a ten-mile tempo run, which was probably a bit much for what was supposed to be my cutback week.

I ran a one-mile loop through Old Bell and came through in 6:36, which was a little too fast. I slowed down a little bit and shortly began to wonder if I'd be able to complete this workout. Nothing was hurting but I felt completely wiped out - probably a combination of the sudden increase in temperature and me being a little weary from last week. I slowed way down in mile #4 and eventually just stopped. I took 3 minutes to rest and decided to head back to the Sardis lot, essentially making this a 2x4-mile workout instead of a tempo run.

Again, I had to stop. I just didn't have anything in the tank. I ran a little over 2 miles in the second set before calling it quits. I was at least able to keep the average pace under 7 minutes, so the workout was not a total flop, but I definitely made sure I got plenty of rest and ate massive quantities of food when I got home.

Later on, someone asked if I was upset about the run because I was "behaving poorly." I didn't feel like I was upset but I suppose it's frustrating when things don't go according to plan. No matter; I'll get back out there soon enough.

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